great read. disanalogy between steppe and cybersteppe is that CS is not engaged in actual life and death warring. anon posting on imageboards is divested of the constraints of ego and normie mores, but not sure if it's an environment that selects for truth rather than just alt narratives, unless u think yeast-like or dopaminergic virality is a proxy for truth.
This is the most interesting blog I've run across in some time. Keep up the good work. Very impressive work here.
great read. disanalogy between steppe and cybersteppe is that CS is not engaged in actual life and death warring. anon posting on imageboards is divested of the constraints of ego and normie mores, but not sure if it's an environment that selects for truth rather than just alt narratives, unless u think yeast-like or dopaminergic virality is a proxy for truth.